COVID-19 Resources

What are the potential shortages of drugs and supplies?

AVMA writes the following: The AVMA is concerned about potential medical supply chain issues, including both pharmaceuticals (specifically active pharmaceutical ingredients [APIs]) and medical products, such as personal protective equipment. We have learned from FDA that there are 32 animal drug firms that make finished drugs or source active pharmaceutical ingredients in China for the United States market. The FDA has contacted all 32 firms and no shortages have been reported at this time. However, six of those firms have indicated that they are seeing disruptions in the supply chain that soon could lead to shortages. The FDA is working with these firms to help identify interventions to mitigate potential shortages. FDA has done similar work on the medical product/device side. An FDA webpage has been created through which the FDA is sharing information around the availability of drugs and medical supplies. Because veterinarians use a substantial number of FDA-approved human drugs under federal extralabel drug use statute and regulations, shortages on the human side will be felt by veterinary medicine as well. Veterinarians are encouraged to send information regarding any supply chain issues of concern to the AVMA at [email protected]. Detailed information on the product of concern and the manufacturer/distributor of that product will be most helpful.

What if an employee tests positive for COVID-19? What are my responsibilities?

Notify anyone whom the employee may have come in contact with, especially those who came within six feet for more than 10 minutes or been in direct contact with secretions from a sick person with COVID-19. Recommend they follow all COVID-19 guidelines as they pertain to exposure e.g. they should monitor their symptoms for 14 days since the date of last contact with the individual and should not go to work or school, and should avoid public places for 14 days. The most common symptoms of the disease are fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Also, follow all cleaning recommendations.

What if a client comes in exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms such as a cough or fever?

Ask the client to reschedule their appointment until their health has recovered so they don’t spread the disease to others. Consider using a telemedicine platform to provide remote care to sick animals if they can be managed at home.

Do I have to shut down my clinic in the event one or more employees contract COVID-19?